How we Work

At Animate Care, young people are at the core of our support. We believe in co-production when it comes to developing and shaping our services.

We work together with young people in our care in crafting Strength Based solutions. Strengths-based practice is encouraged by various professionals who work with children across the globe.

This is a collaborative process between the service user and the service provider to determine an outcome that draws on their strengths.

Whilst Young People are in our care, we work with them using the Solution focused Approach. The essence of solution focused brief therapy is described as having the following objectives:

  • To see a person as being more than their problem
  • To look for resources rather than only deficits
  • To explore possible and preferred futures
  • To explore what is already contributing to those futures
  • To treat service users as the experts in their lives.

Source (George et al 2006)

Similarly, the Solution-Focused Brief Therapy Association (SFBTA), in a treatment manual, identify three core components (Lipchik et al 2012):

  • Use of conversations centred on service users’ concerns
  • Conversations focused on co-constructing new meanings surrounding service users’ concerns.
  • Use of specific techniques to help service users co-construct a vision of a preferred future and to draw upon past successes and strengths to help resolve issues.